Danube-delta 2013.06.25. - 07.01.
Két tanulónk részt vehetett a romániai Unesco Bizottság meghívásának köszönhetően a Veolila Biodiverzitás szemináriumán.
6.25. Kedd: Kora este 7-kor indult a vonatunk Bukarestbe. Igazából megvallva kellemeset csalódtam a vonattal való utazásban, mert azt hittem, hogy kényelmetlen és unalmas lesz, de ez nem így történt.
In Italia – in Ungheria
Frequentare un liceo linguistico significa innanzi tutto aspirare al pieno apprendimento della difficile ma essenziale abilità di comunicazione con il prossimo. Alcune volte quest’ultima risulta particolarmente ardua perché le lingue e le culture del mondo sono estremamente varie e diversissime tra loro, ma ciò che rende il dialogo tra persone provenienti da realtà più o meno distanti dalla propria così ricco e stimolante è il continuo mettere...
ACES meeting in Budapest
On January 28th, an excited group of students were in the school. They were my classmates and our teachers. We were looking forward to meet Kosovo group. When they arrived we introduced ourselves to each other. My exchange student's name was Dona. She was so friendly, lovely and opened-mind.
Next day our headmaster welcomed the guests and after that we presented the school. During the day we practiced the ACES dance and after that the Kosovo group...
Last Wednesday we went to the district’s TV channel, to the TV13. We asked some Kosovar and Austrian people about their country and about they used media. I was lucky that I could try the camera, and I could help the TV’s people to shoot the daily children news. I really enjoyed it, and after that all we had a lot of beautiful time in Hungary.
Múlt szerdán elmentünk a kerületi televízióhoz, a TV13-hoz. Megkérdeztünk néhány koszovói és osztrák gyereket az országukról,...
On November 18th, early morning an excited group of people were standing at the railway station. They were my classmates, our two teachers and me and we were looking forward to our trip to Austria. The journey to Köflach was rather long and tiring. Looking at the scenery through the train windows we could already notice the differences between the two places. We saw huge mountains and plenty of green areas.
When we got off the train we were introduced to our...
ACES Program – Bemutatkozó film készítése partneriskoláknak
A 9. a osztály ACES nemzetközi iskolai együttműködési projektben résztvevő tanulók angol óra keretében bemutatkozó videót készítettek az osztrák és koszovói partnerek részére.
ACES Program – Introduction film of partner schools Members of class 9/b have made have this introduction for their partners in Austria and Kosovo for the ACEAS project.
Kick-off meeting diary
On Monday morning we started our long journey from Budapest, Népliget (through Wien) to Slovenia, Lasko at 7 o’clock. About 10 or 11 we reached the Wien airport and joined to the ACES (Academy of European Schools) organizers and maybe a hundred of other people from different countries. By the way at the airport we met some Hungarians, two teachers, a boy and a girl. From the beginning we went everywhere together. Our team travelled by two buses and we got...
Diversity and Human Rights ACES project FINAL REPORT
SUMMERY OF THE PROJECT MEETING, 26.01.2010 -29.01.2010. Budapest, Hungary
ACES project “Diversity and Human Rights”